Ostomy Supplies & Accessories
We offer the latest advancements in colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy pouches, barriers, kits, and accessories on the market. Depending on your specific need, our customer service specialists will help guide you to the correct solution. Similar to supplying catheters, the team at UroStat will establish contact with your healthcare team and insurance provider to handle insurance submission and billing as well as equipment procurement with little to no hassle to you.
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Ostomy Supplies
UroStat Healthcare provides solutions for all of an individual’s ostomy needs. We specialize in colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy pouches, barriers, and kits. Typical solutions for ostomy patients consist of a pouch to collect stool or urine as well as a skin adhesive barrier that secures the pouch to the skin, preventing odor or leakage. Color and transparency as well as covers to reduce noise and odor are available in certain pouches. These features help increase comfort of living with an ostomy while being discreet.
UroStat offers a number of ostomy accessories for customer comfort and peace of mind. Â These accessories range widely from cleaners, lubricants, and stoma powders to caps, barriers, and belts to make your ostomy solution as comfortable as possible and a seamless part of your life.
FAQs About Ostomy:
An ostomy is a surgical procedure that alters the way a human’s body excretes waste, in this case feces or urine. This surgical procedure creates a stoma, or opening, located on the abdomen, which connects to a collection pouch to store feces or urine. Depending on the situation, an ostomy can be temporary or permanent.
Colostomy – A colostomy consists of a surgical opening that connects an opening in the large intestine (colon) to an opening in the abdominal wall.
Ileostomy – A ileostomy consists of a connecting part of the ileum, the lowest part of the small intestine, to the abdominal wall in the form of a stoma.
Urostomy – A urostomy consists of relocating passage of urine instead of through a diseased bladder to a collection pouch through a stoma in the abdomen wall.
Before starting, ensure you have the necessary supplies to change out your ostomy collection bag. Begin by thoroughly washing and drying your hands. Remove the old ostomy, peeling the adhesive barrier from top to bottom. Wash with soap and warm water, as instructed by your doctor or WOCN (Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurse). Pat dry with a paper cloth or material that will not leave fibers on the skin. Avoid products containing alcohol as they reduce the body’s natural defense mechanisms.
Depending on your surgical procedure, your ostomy output will vary in consistency, color, and odor. A colostomy should result in a formed stool as most of the water has been removed in the small intestine. An ileostomy will form a looser, liquid product as much of the water is still retained in the final product. A urostomy output will look similar to the urine produced before the procedure as the procedure usually diverts away from the collection tank known as the bladder.
The need for an ostomy can be due birth defects, certain types of cancer, IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome), Diverticulitis, trauma to the bowel or bladder, and other medical conditions. In many cases, ostomy surgeries are a life-saving surgery that allows the human body to continue the necessary excretory process functioning.